I’ll reconstruct Funtua-Gusau-Sokoto road, float poverty reduction schemes–Atiku

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate in the Feb. 25 presidential election has pledged to reconstruct the Funtua-Gusau-Sokoto road, if elected.

He also promised to float empowerment programmes that will combat poverty among the citizens.

Atiku made the pledges on Tuesday in Sokoto while addressing a crowd of supporters at his presidential campaign rally.

The PDP presidential candidate also pledged to end the security challenges bedevilling the nation, ensure stability for profitable farming, grazing as well as reopen the nation’s borders to bolster business activities.

He urged citizens to support PDP candidates at all levels at the forthcoming elections, vowing that a PDP-led administration would curb social, economic and infrastructural decay in the country.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Atiku had inaugurated a remodelled presidential lodge and the Dandima flyover bridge constructed by the Gov. Aminu Tambuwal’s administration.

The PDP presidential flag bearer also paid homage on the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Abubakar Sa’ad III, after an interactive session with community and traditional rulers in the state.

Earlier, the PDP National Chairman, Dr Ayochia Ayu, presented the party’s flag to PDP governorship candidate in the State, Alhaji Sa’idu Umar and received scores of defectors from the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Ayu described the Sokoto rally as home coming and enjoined party loyalists to use their PVCs to change the national government as well as sustain the achievements of Tambuwal.

Leader of the defectors, Amb. Faruku Yabo said the PDP-led administration in the state had the people’s interests at heart and it was  capable of surmounting the national challenges.

NAN also reports that the event witnessed presentations from  various personalities on the ways to address the challenges being faced by the citizens.

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