“Teach us to number our days,that we may apply our heart to wisdom”

Psalm.90 12


  1. Number rules the world/universe
  2. Where there is number,there is beauty.
  3. Numbers are intellectual witnesses that belongs only to mankind.

Number is a universal language.e.g.
If you need me,call my number,you have my number,I will always answer.
Numbering are taught, not thought of.
Until you are taught,you can’t be thorough.
Until you are taught,you can’t be trusted.
Only the trained are trusted.
Until your are taught numbering,you will die in trial.
Numbers, project the level of your success.
Successes are measured in numbers.
Success is a game of number.
You need to place adequate premiums on numbers.
Until you value numbers, you can’t comprehensively weigh yourself.

1.Number speaks volume of sequence and events.
2.Facilitator of creativity.
3.Reflection of your intentions
4.Arguements,doubts,feelings and beliefs are dispels

  1. Specifications of your achievement is by numbering.
  2. Numbers defines your worth.
  3. Numbers reveals you to the world.
  4. You are rated according to the number of times your name are mentioned.

Even God numbered everything,
Including your Hairs.
Mathew.10.30 “but the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Though it varies but on the average is100,000 black,and 90,000 Red
Stars are numbered
Stars are numbered
God had numbered all the stars and gave them names.
Gen.15.1-6 God told Abraham to count the stars,he counted
200 billion trillion stars in the universe.

Numbers are not merely mathematical symbols,but actually carries spiritual symbols.
Pythagoras,an ancient Greek philosopher said Number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and daemon.
Every thing can be
reduced to number,the truth behind everyday reality we experience lies in number.
Number. 1.
means the beginning of a new phase in ones life.,
Also symbol of unity.
Number 7. Universally accepted to be the luckiest number.
It symbolizes a person inner wisdom,self awareness, Intuition.
For spiritual maturation and progress.
Number. 222 Symbolizes faith and harmony,it heralds anew era in your life and ushers in new possibilities.
Every aspect of your life must be in harmony.
Number 333. Encouragement in making choices
Number 444. talking about keeping faith because of Angel
Number 6.
Has to do with domestic life, family,affection.
Number.7 Completeness and perfection
Number 8. profesdionalism,
material freedom, affluence and self confidence.
Number.9 Combination of wisdom and experience,buzzes with the energy of both the beginning and ending.


  1. It influence decisions related to performance, effectiveness and investment.
    2.It gives clearity to sequence of events.
  2. It aids decision making and taking.
  3. Gives value to events and mortality.
  4. Helps in analysing events.
  5. Removes exaggeration,overrating, personality augmentation,
    distorted thinking patterns, overestimation.
    1.Start by writing things down.
  6. Value records.
  7. Maximise the benefits by application.

When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers,you know something about it,but when you can’t express it in number,your knowledge is a meagre and unsatisfactory kind,lacking in quantity and quality.

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