Senator Moro Not In Competition With Anybody But Only Satisfying His Conscience

By Emmanuel Eche’Ofun John

Recently, there have been uncomplimentary remarks and criticisms of the senator representing Benue South Senatorial District and Senate Minority Leader, Comrade Abba Moro PhD on his appearance in a trending video of a Kogi senator who took home the minority caucus of the senate for commissioning of her projects. Senator Moro, the leader of the caucus, cut the commissioning tapes, which some critics and a few political opponents are using to criticize him, claiming he went to commission projects in Kogi whereas he has not executed anything in his own senatorial district after five years.

Ordinarily, when armchair critics and political jobbers criticize, the best response is to ignore them so they can continue to wallow in their warped opinion, since their only job is to criticize, demonize and thumb down on others’ efforts to score cheap political goal, but a little response to this misguided and baseless assertion that Senator Moro has not done anything is necessary.

Senator Moro was in Kogi, as leader of the minority caucus, to celebrate with his colleague who was marking her one year in office and using the occasion to formally commission her projects. The senator did not hide his admiration and happiness over what his colleague was able to achieve in one year. He was genuinely excited and visibly expressed that in the trending video.

It’s not true that the senator has not done what he went to commission in Kogi State, as being thoughtlessly and mischievously trended by some desperate politicians and their hallelujah boys and girls. Senator Moro has done and doing so much for which even his sincere opponents are thumbing him up.

The senator, who knows what empowerment means, has shared empowerment materials worth billions of naira to constituents in the last five years. He has secured jobs for countless numbers of youths and has lobbied for and executed/executing several projects such as roads, bridges, school buildings, healthcare centers, boreholes, rural electrification, etc to the admiration of his constituents.

One thing I have come to understand working with Senator Moro is that propaganda doesn’t win election neither does it add anything to one’s political fortune. He once told me that he didn’t need propaganda to work for his people or win election, that if he does anything for anybody or any community, the person or community knows, which is what matters.

I once advanced an idea for him to sit with some people and showcase his achievements. He asked for the cost, I told him. He said, “My brother, why do we have to spend such amount of money on this when that money can go a long way to solve some problems in our communities for some widows and orphans? I don’t need to showcase my achievements, those who are benefiting already know what we are doing. We can sit down but not for the basis of showcasing my achievements.” I couldn’t press further.

According to him, he’s not in public service to seek validation from people through propaganda or noise-making but to satisfy his conscience. And that’s why you can hardly see him in pictures with people he has helped with jobs or those he has helped one way or the other.

As his media aide, the senator can sneak into my village and sneak out without informing me, just so that he’s not given undue publicity. I’m sure many of his associates have had this same experience with him. He moves about with only his official car and orderly, unlike former this or former that who move about in long convoys with loud sirens to announce their presence, accompanied by litany of security details to intimidate the masses and appear ‘large’.

Senator Moro is a silent achiever. He has been very outstanding with his qualitative representation, which even some of those critics find incontestable. He continues to prove his mettle, leaving no one in doubt as to his competence and capacity as a lawmaker. The facts speak volume about him and the volume of his works attest to his quality as an indefatigable lawmaker who the cap perfectly fits.

The senator has so many things to his credits, which I won’t be able to mention exhaustively. He has sponsored bills and motions that are reshaping the country. His motions address the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians. One of his motions recently resulted in the landmark Supreme Court judgement that granted full autonomy to the local government system in the country.

Two of his establishment bills, unprecedentedly have been passed into law by the 10th Senate awaiting presidential assent.

As a grassroots politician, the senator knows exactly what the needs of his people are and he’s adequately addressing them. With the near-absence of governance at the local level, he has been going out of his way to facilitate laudable projects to Benue South, to provide the infrastructural needs of his people.

Some of the projects already executed or at various stages of completion include:


  1. Construction of Igaluwa road, in Otukpo LGA.
  2. Rehabilitation of Alheri street in Otukpo.
  3. Rehabilitation of Ochoga avenue in Otukpo.
  4. Construction of Ojira road, in Otukpo.
  5. Rehabilitation of Jamaica street in Otukpo.
  6. Rehabilitation of Hospital/Odiapa road, in Obi LGA.
  7. Ongoing construction of Ojapo-Ogege road, in Okpokwu LGA.
  8. Grading and lateriting of several rural roads such as Otakin/Ekpon/Ogore/Ito rural road in Obi/Oju LGAs; Uchuo-Okpoma-Oganari road in Ainu, Oju LGA; Ihilikpa-Onyangede road in Ohimini LGA; Obagaji-Okokolo road in Agatu LGA; Obusa-Ojuma-Ogiri road in Oju LGA. Etc.
  9. Construction of Odaburu bridge, in Owukpa district of Ogbadibo.
  10. Construction of River Ogbadibo bridge, in Otukpa district of Ogbadibo.
  11. Ongoing construction of Ikpochi-Okpudu bridge, in Itabono, Owukpa district of Ogbadibo LGA.
  12. Construction of Oru bridge, in Oju LGA (to be fully completed in the next budget year).
  13. Construction of erosion control/drainage system at Obu-Branch Otukpa, in Ogbadibo LGA.
  14. Construction of erosion control/drainage system in Ugbokolo, in Okpokwu LGA. Etc.


  1. Provision of boreholes in Agatu communities.
  2. Provision borehole at Ad’Oju palace, in Oju LGA.
  3. Provision of borehole at Ad’Obi palace, in Obi LGA.
  4. Rehabilitation of PCI water works at Okpoga, in Okpokwu LGA.


  1. Distribution of medical equipment to Agatu communities.
  2. Construction of healthcare Centers in Okpokwu, Ohimini, Ado and Oju LGAs.
  3. Distribution of drugs to healthcare centers in Benue South.
  4. Construction of community clinic at Agadagba, in Ohimini LGA.
  5. Distribution of mini ambulance and Tele-health primary healthcare system/machine kiosk to selected primary health care centres in Benue South.
  6. Ongoing construction of healthcare centers in Otukpo, Obi, Apa and Agatu, as captured in the 2024 budget.


  1. Distribution of motorcycles to Agatu youths.
  2. Distribution of mini buses, cars, motorcycles, refrigerators and generating sets to 1000s of constituents.
  3. Distribution of sewing and grinding machines to 1000s of Benue South women.
  4. Training of youths in ICT and distribution of branded laptops to them.
  5. Training of youths in agricultural value chain and empowerment with start-up grants, chickens, goats, pigs. Etc.


  1. Construction of a block of classrooms at Ojantelle, in Apa LGA.
  2. Construction of a block of classrooms at Oba, in Apa LGA.
  3. Construction of a block of classrooms at Ogi, in Ado LGA.
  4. Construction of a block of classrooms at Otukpa, in Ogbadibo LGA.
  5. Construction of a block of classrooms at Odessasa, in Okpokwu LGA.
  6. Construction of a lecture hall at the Ugbokolo study centre of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).
  7. Completion and furnishing of a mini library at Okete Community Secondary School, Otukpo-Icho in Otukpo LGA.


  1. Extension of 33kv dual carriage line along Otukpo-Enugu road.
  2. Electrification of Auke community in Apa LGA.
  3. Electrification of Ofoke-Ojapo communities in Apa LGA.
  4. Electrification of Olaidu/Ojigo communities, in Okpokwu LGA.
  5. Electrification of Ago community in Ogbadibo LGA.
  6. Electrification of Idikwu-Ankpali communities in Apa LGA.
  7. Electrification of Ipolo-Icho community, in Otukpo LGA.
  8. Ongoing electrification of Ublegi-Odebe-Otto communities in Ogbadibo LGA.
  9. Ongoing electrification of Adupi-Orokam community, in Ogbadibo LGA.
  10. Ongoing electrification of Ikpemgbe community, in Ado LGA.
  11. Ongoing electrification of Obene-Igwoke-Uwokwu communities, in Oju LGA.
  12. Ongoing electrification of Dankali-Onyagede communities, in Ohimini LGA.
  13. Ongoing electrification of Elulu-Oglewu communities, in Ohimini LGA.
  14. Ongoing electrification of Effiom community, in Okpokwu LGA.
  15. Purchase and distribution of transformers to various communities such as Obu-Branch in Ogbadibo, Ukwo-Owukpa in Ogbadibo, Ai’Itodo in Ogbadibo, Usha in Agatu, Odugbo in Apa, Rice Mill in Otukpo, Otada in Otukpo, Engila in Agatu, Udabi in Otukpo, Ipom in Otukpo, Ijegwu in Obi, Iwewe in Okpokwu, Ichakwu in Okpokwu, Ugbokolo in Okpokwu, etc.
  16. Purchase and installation of solar street lights in various communities of Benue South, etc.


  1. Renovation and furnishing of Otukpo Police Command.
  2. Distribution of 1000s of bags of rice to constituents annually.
  3. Distribution of fertilizers to farmers, Etc.

These are all verifiable projects.

Senator Abba Moro is living up to expectations and not lacking in any area. He remains outstanding and quintessential, and is fully committed to providing the needed leadership and representation that’s beneficial to not just Benue South, but Benue State and Nigeria at large.

He’s, unarguably, one of the best senators in the 10th Senate. He’s not showcasing his achievements or making so much noise about them, as some of his critics would do when they lift a finger, but the beneficiaries of his kind gestures know and are appreciating him.

In the days, weeks, months and years to come, more projects will be initiated and executed for the good people of Benue South. More people-oriented bills and motions will be sponsored, and the voice of Benue South will continue to be heard very loud and clear on the floor of the senate.

Senator Moro will not be in the senate forever but for the years he will be on the stage, Benue South will continue to get better and better.

Nobody can do the job better!

Emmanuel Eche’Ofun John, is the Media Adviser to the Senate Minority Leader.

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