KONGONET solicits financial support for youth Commission from Kogi state govt

*lauds government intervention in the health sector.

*calls for full payment of salaries to basic education teachers

The Kogi NGOs Network (KONGONET), has called on the State government to provide the Youth Development Commission with the necessary financial support to enable it perform maximally and empower youths across the state to curtail the high youth unemployment situation of the state.

This was part of the recommendations of the organization after it’s 2nd Quarter meeting held on 4th July, 2023

Worried over the non- payment of full salaries to basic education teachers in the state, KONGONET said government should addressed this without further delay to ensure that children of the poor who mostly patronize these schools are given adequate attention to enjoy the good work being done by the state government.

It also called for urgen rehabilitation of Zone 8 roundabout road linking to Zango- Daji through to Kaduna junction (Welcome to Lokoja), saying that axis is becoming almost inaccessible.

While KONGONET appreciate the efforts of the current commissioner of Police for nipping on board the incessant cult clashes within the state capital, it call on the commissioner to take charge of things and ensure that the recent upsurge of kidnapping and other criminalities across the state is dealt with decisively.

It assured that Kogi NGOs Network (KONGONET) will consistently support laudable initiatives of government to ameliorate the sufferings of Kogites and ensure that the state upholds the tenets of democracy and fair play in her administration of the collective resources of the citizens.

The Kogi State Civil Society Groups, also appreciated the Kogi state government for appointing Civil Society member representatives on local and state government audit board.

“The recent assent to the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) law is a big one for us all, congratulations Kogites. The statement noted

The statement in full

Kogi NGOs Network (KONGONET) is a coalition of Civil Society Networks championing the promotion of participatory democracy, good governance/best practices, transparent governance and network coordination in Kogi State through advocacy and policy influencing for the well-being of Kogites.

Highlight of events within the quarter

• The Executive Governor of Kogi State has finally assented the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) bill into law.

• The Kogi State House of Assembly screened and cleared two (2) nominees to represent Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on local and state government audit board.

• The national secretariat of Open Government Partnership (OGP) with the collaborative efforts of African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD) held three (3) days sensitization/capacity workshop for government and Civil Society Organization stakeholders’ on the effective implementation of Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Kogi State.

• Health facility, schools and road construction/rehabilitation received mega boost within the reporting period in the State.

• The Executive Governor of Kogi State swore-in a new acting Chief Judge within the reporting period.

• A year plus, the Kogi State radio (FM 94.1) has been in comatose state despite several appeals to the state government to purchase the required transmitter for the only state owned radio in Kogi State Capital.


Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN), reported significant improvement and restructuring of Kogi State Agency for the Control of Aids (KOSACA) as the required substantive board for the agency has finally been put in place. The said appointment has given the required credibility to the agency among other similar agencies across the nation. The leadership of Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN) within the reporting quarter appreciated His Excellency the Executive Governor of the state for providing necessary support to the agency culminating to successful participation and presentation of memos during the just concluded 6th National Council on AIDS (NCA) Conference in Abuja.

CiSHAN called on the Executive Governor to provide more support for community level interventions across the state.

The Kogi State mega investment in hospital infrastructure and equipment within the reporting quarter is hereby acknowledged.

Agricultural Intervention Issues:
The release of the 3rd Biennial Report on the performance of Africa on the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) showed clearly that Nigeria is not on track to meeting all the targets especially on funding, which is according to the Maputo Declaration is a minimum of 10% of State Budget. This has grave consequences for food security and poverty reduction.

The Kogi State Budget Committee Group (BCG) within the reporting period examined the state agricultural budget performance and opined that the state need to release more funds to the sector to improve and overcome the worrisome and persistent increase in the prices of food commodities across the state. The group said more worrisome is the observed consistent denial of funds to women in Agriculture, even though it is captured in the state budget every year.

SWOFON Kogi State and Budget Committee Group (BCG) concluded that if Agriculture is to serve as a means of diversifying the economy of Kogi State as promised in the new direction blueprint, then allocations to the sector is grossly inadequate and fund releases to the sector are too poor.


Within the reporting period, the Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA) acknowledged the state government mega investment on school infrastructural development, while congratulating the government of Kogi State for the positive move; they called on Kogi State government to as well invest heavily on the wellbeing of basic education teachers across the state. The coalition through her state coordinator said the state had neglected the welfare of primary school teachers as evidenced in the non-payment of full salaries to basic education teachers across local government areas of the state.


International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Kogi State within the reporting quarter carried out civil resolution of domestic violence, women abuse and child custody cases across the state and as well participated actively to advocate for assent to the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Bill.

The Association for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Nigeria (AONN) appreciates effort made by civil society organization members within and outside the state to bring to fruition the assent to the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) law in the state.


As the apex Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Network in the state, our interest is to ensure that the wellbeing, lives and property of our citizens are protected at all times and we pursue this with vigour. The business of securing lives and property of citizens is the business of all, but legally coordinated by the Nigeria Police Force (NPF). We appreciate the proactive measure taken by the Nigeria Police Force towards curbing the arising petty theft of motorcycles to cult related activities in recent time within the state capital. However, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) must continuously be on alert to stem the increasing tides of kidnapping across the state.

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