But in verses of gratitude
For all the lessons life brought
her way
You see, it’s been three decades
and two and
the lil girl she was hurls in the dark
Too scared for words
Haunted by wishes and fails
She psalms her day,
praying that she earns
one more day
That chants in triumphs
for an extra day, survived
And that her silent whispers
are loud enough to inspire
an ‘amen’ in hallowed places
Her voice fades to ashes
And the grey tugs at her skirts
She’s been down long enough
to know it’s no place to end
She unwraps herself
like a gift – like a flower
unfolding into
the promise of sunshine
Tugging gently to
the shreds she bore
for far too long
A step farther today
than yesterday afforded
She lets her voice ring,
with no apologies
Perfect tiara on her head
So she rise, picking up
ashes as she rise
A testament of her wins
This lil girl looked at me
and I knew I was the wiser
cos she told me so
Friday 5th August, 2022
21: 08