Greek journalists on strike to protest serious train accident

There was no news in Greece on Wednesday because journalists had gone on a 24-hour strike.

The unions were demanding a full investigation into the train crash that killed 57 people and injured dozens in central Greece just over a fortnight ago.

Instead of news, radio and television were showing news magazines from the past, documentaries, music programmes and films.

News was not available again until midnight (2200 GMT) on Thursday. Newspapers will not be published the following day, the journalists’ unions further announced.

There was nothing new online either: “Silence for 24 hours for the 57,’’ one of the most important Greek news portals headlined.

A stationmaster in the city of Larisa had sent an intercity train onto the wrong tracks during the night of March 1. The train then collided with a goods train.

However, the investigation shows that apart from the human error, the catastrophic conditions at the Greek railways and political incompetence were the causes of the accident.

In addition to the journalists, all other trade unions in the country were demanding that those responsible for the accident be held accountable.

Nationwide strikes are planned for Thursday, which is expected to paralyse the transport sector in Greece in particular.

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