The candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for Abia Central Hon Emeka Atuma has declared that his mission to the Senate is to re-invent Abia State just as he declared that he has volunteered to lead the struggle for good governance in the state from the Senate.
In a statement by the Emeka Atuma campaign organization the former member of the House of Representatives stated that he is determined to recover and transform the nature of representation from its current medieval status.
According to him “ My mission as a Senator is to reinvent Abia State and to restore its previous place of pride, so that the state could survive and thrive on a larger Nigerian context. Without doubt, Abia has been through a horrible wilderness experience in the past eight years. Our
reputation as a people has been sullied and have become the butt of jokes due to the crass ineptitude, loquacious ignorance, and ravenous corruption masquerading as governance in our state during this outgoing administration.
My decision to engineer a liberation process from the Senate is motivated by an unmitigated indignation against criminal trends and violent tendencies, which have collapsed the sacred institutions of governance, to the extent that Abia has become a failed State. My Legislative agenda is designed to change all these, and to put in place a new, qualitative representation.
“As we move to run and win the Senate seat of Abia Central district of Abia State, my mission is to recover and transform the nature of representation from its current medieval status. My vision is to introduce a quality and quantitative representation based on democracy, transparency and good governance.
“In these,I am inspired by the fear of God and my personal abilities.
My plan of action to actualize and realize this target is guided by the Nigerian Constitution and the democratic principles of our electoral act of 2022. Based on divine inspiration, conviction and persuasion to represent Abia central district out of poor representation to a new age of quality and quantitative representation.
Atuma declared that “I volunteer to lead the struggle for good governance in the state from the Senate. Judging from the provisions of the Nigeria constitution on the imperatives for participation, based on personal credentials and antecedents, I assure that I am supremely qualified and sufficiently prepared to run and win the Abia central senatorial district race, 2023, by the grace of God.
“History has shown that when a people are well organized, strong, disciplined, focused and united, talented and creative leaders emerge to take them to higher levels of achievement. But where the people are torn from within by indiscipline, mercenary motives, disloyalty and lack of transparency, the state enters an age of troubles.
Speaking further he pointed out that “in context, the leadership we demand in Abia central senatorial district as we approach 2023 is a collective enterprise that borders on the division of labour and separation of powers. This explains why I believe that politics is like a baby that cannot be delivered by only a palm. But for the successful delivery of a child, for example, all hands must be on deck since the ocean is the product of drops of water.
Like developmental strides which signifies good governance and protection for all, without prejudice to race, region, religion, generation or gender, the aims, objectives and functions of Grace movement 2023 are broad enough to shield diverse democratic inclinations and demands in all sectors of life in Abia Central senatorial District including the economy, culture, education, agriculture, health, social welfare delivery etc.
“My courage stems from a firm belief in God as a Christian. Therefore, I pledge to represent Abia Central District with emphasis on transparency, honesty and accountability in public affairs, a policy of genuine generosity and human capacity development based on the golden rule of good governance.
As an Abian, I pledge to pursue the granite values of the Abia people, predicated on harmony, achievement-oriented, merit, prudence in the management of scare human resources, culture of perseverance and ability to overcome hardship and set-backs, the sacrifice of personal convenience for the collective good.
He stated that “as a Nigerian, I shall operate with humility and modesty, the spirit of service and sacrifice, rigorous commitment to cause, community, state and nation, and other cultural traits that mark the political behavior of people from this part of the nation, such as loyalty to constituted authority and legitimate leadership at the three tiers of governance in the Federal Republic of Nigeria constitution.
In these, I pledge allegiance to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the good people of Abia Central senatorial District, Abia State and Nigeria at large.
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