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By Daniel Omeiza Ayodele

“When one of your fingers is pointed in wickedness and evil intentions; know it that the remaining four of your fingers are pointing back at you for same dose of evil to be meted out to you.” Ebira Proverb.

To many who are yet to believe that indeed there is power in the tongue and also in a name, this is the exact time for such persons to know that of a truth, power exists in the tongue and also in ones name.

His Excellency, Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON), the Executive Governor of Kogi State is presently in the news and his name on the lips of many people for the past 4 days and still counting. The rumour of his death emanated from a source that one can liken to the plant known as epiphytes. This plant is without a root and it is found surviving on top of another tree. In the same vein, the story of Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) rumoured death that travelled far and wide like a harmattan wild fire is for now like a plant without a root. My joy is that it is an air plant that its life span is but short. Whether sooner or later, there is a boisterous wind that will blow and the feathers covering the anus of the hen will have to give way for us to see what the hen has been hiding all along. There can never be peace for the wicked at heart.

When Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) came on board to start steering the affairs of Kogi State, he started referring to himself as the WHITE LION. I did not immediately understand why he wanted people to refer to him that way but it has now become as clear as crystal to me. According to my Biology tutors, however big, strong, courageous and skilful in hunting its prey a lion is, it will still be referred to as an animal from the Cat’s Family.

There is this proverb and also an idiomatic expression around the cat which says, “A cat has nine lives.” Of a truth, we all know a cat is able to endure, hunt, strive, resilient and survive from every near encounter with disaster or death. To those who have cats as pets at home, it is also a known fact that no matter how hard you try to make its back to touch the ground, your efforts at achieving this will always be a futile one. To even kill a cat, I was made to understand that you have to tie it inside a sack that is also tied at the mouth before you start beating the cat to death. It is therefore sacrosanct that no man no matter how powerful can slaughter a cat with a knife. Let it be clear to you that it is a cat I have described this much and not even a lion that is a bigger specie in the family of cats. It is based on this true facts about the cat’s family that Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) decided to pick the type of a nickname that he should be called apart from his real name.

During the first tenure of Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) there were so many instances of rumours that he was dead. There was this time he was away to receive medical attention and the agents of darkness decided to quickly weave a story of death around this. The same misinformation is what has been trending for some days now and it saddens my heart why people decide to gloat over an evil wish emanating from sources without tap roots.

Without any iota of doubt, it is now certain that some wicked set of people actually gathered somewhere in the dark like the abode of cockroaches as a group and talked in low tunes with their wicked eyes balls hovering left and right like that of a night owl, discussing how they feed their cooked up lies about Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello’s (CON) death. They did not know that there is a popular believe in Africa that some people also take as a superstitious believe that “the more you wish a man dead, the more length of days, weeks, months and years you are adding up to his stay on earth.” To me this believe has become real and we’ll established and Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) is a perfect example to be cited anywhere.

At this juncture, it is good to ask why fellow mortal men that can fall dead at any given time takes pleasure in hearing about the death of a fellow man in same flesh and blood. What also is Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello’s (CON) offence that has made their wide ears always open to hear the news of his demise and that a bad omen happened to him? When did the heart of man become so dark as soot that hearing the news of a man’s death now make them go for thanksgiving?

There is the need to refresh and reconfigure the non-functioning brains of many people whose hearts has been smeared with hot iron that Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) is one political leader that has done a whole lot for Kogi State. Since he became a governor, he has constructed roads across the 3 Senatorial Districts of Kogi State. He has not left out the building of a functional, well equipped and aesthetically beautiful hospital in the 3 Senatorial Districts here in Kogi State. It was the sole effort of Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) that has now seen the 3 Senatorial Districts having a university to call theirs own with much pride. As it stands, there is Prince Abubakar Audu University (PAAU), Anyigba, Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH), Osara and the new born ivory tower christened Kogi State University (KSU), Kabba. From the aforementioned shades of development will you now pitch your tent among the followers of Mr. Devil who wishes a man like Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) to die?

It is so annoying a sight that presently in this world of ours the mind of many people have gone blank and berserk. No man here on earth can beat his chest to be infallible except God therefore, one should not expect 100% performance from any mortal being especially politicians because we are all fallible. Those who have helped in spreading the false news of Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) death cannot say they are above board. Have these same people not journeyed through the newly constructed Ganaja Flyover that has helped in decongesting traffic? Even if they are not direct beneficiaries, have some of their family members, friends and loved ones not gain employment in this Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) administration?

My dear people, as long as it is the flesh that continues to control and dictate for a man, his heart will not be far away from thinking and doing evil but as much as they gather to perpetrate their evil antics, God will always scatter them all over the earth because they are not gathered in God’s holy name. That is why we have seen them presently in disarray with much shame and embarrassment after their evil intentions against Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) could not make the type of news headline they envisaged in their hideouts.

Now, there is this other name that Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) is also given by those who display wanton hatred for him. This name is David,a Hebrew name which means “beloved.” Unknown to those who are waiting to have a jocund moment once they hear of a bad news about “The David of Kogi State,” they should be rest assured that of a truth they will get news updates about him but it will always go in the positive way for him.

The David in the Bible faced the same temptations and witch-hunting that Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) is facing today. There was this time that king Saul out of much jealousy owing to the fact that the young boy David was progressing and gaining the confidence of the people of Israel that he threw a spear to pin him to the wall. God made David to dodge the killer spear and that was not the end of the battle for him. King Saul hunted David for many years just in a bid to hack him to death but God did not for once give him the power to achieve his devilish aim. It is this same God that saved David till he took over as king from Saul that Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) also points his fingers to the heavens in total appreciation for every victory he has won. If the enemies of Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) had known the divine power deposited in the name David then, they would not have nicknamed him so. Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) has now become a king, a leader and a king maker with a wider recognition that is not only limited to Kogi State but the whole geographical location known as Nigeria all to the glory of God, his maker.

And when Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) triumphantly zoomed in Lokoja the state capital with his convoy towards the evening of Wednesday 26th July, 2023 those who had already concluded that he was actually dead based on the rumour they heard and took in hook, line and sinker were rather surprised when they saw him in flowing gown known as “agbada” and with a fitting traditional resting perfectly on his head that his late mother, Hajia Hawawu Oziohu Bello touched and prayed on fervently before she died at the age of 101.

Our highly respected Governor is also a man that knows how to mesmerize his enemies till they open their mouths wide for flies to perch on. A video of him receiving a call and saying to the person on the other side of the phone that, “It is all lies. I am back in Lokoja now. I am more hale and hearty than ever before.” I was so happy to see Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON) back to base. In a nutshell, there is no better way for God to help shut the stinking and diarrhoea prone mouths of the known and unknown enemies of a man.

I wish to admonish all and sundry that henceforth, let it now be your prayer that nothing whatsoever will make you wish your fellow human being dead. Fine, offences may come but the onus lies on you to tread the path of what will lead to settlements instead of thinking you can command God to kill a soul He painstakingly created with His mighty hands and precious time. Learn to pray for your leaders and also for yourself to be a partaker in the dividends of democracy that is given to your state and even at the federal level. How to get your share of the national cake should be paramount to you instead of visiting herbalists, sorcerers and witches to hack down a political leader that is not on the same divide with you. Know it that we are all one. Once you do not see your brothers and sisters irrespective of where they have come from as one with you then, you have set a battle line with God and you will be crushed into chaff for the air to whisk away.

If at all these I have written for you and I to learn from you still have the temerity to think anything evil towards Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello, we will leave you into the hands of God Almighty for judgement. However, we will beg this God who is also a consuming fire not to deal with you till Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello becomes the President of this country in few years to come then, God can now allow you to face the wrath of his rage.

Your Excellency, Alh. (Dr.) Yahaya Bello (CON), I heartily welcome you back home to the seat of power. Do not for a reason fidget for a second. Live on powerfully to fulfill more dreams for thou art the WHITE LION FROM THE CATS FAMILY KNOWN TO HAVE NINE LIVES!



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