As part of the progressive development expected at Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH), Osara, the Commissioner for Housing and Urban Development, Hon. Abanika Taiye has today joined the State Consultant, Engr. Kabiru Suleiman to kick-start the process of building a 600 hostel accommodation for the rapidly increasing students of the institution.

According to Balogun Omeiza David, Head, Public Relations
CUSTECH, Osara, said Hon. Abanika Taiye talked about how passionate His Excellency, Alh. Ahmed Usman Ododo the Executive Governor of Kogi State is about CUSTECH as well as other institutions of higher learning in the state.

In his words, “Within the shortest frame of time, the Governor has put in great efforts to see to the completion of the projects. As it stands, we now have a new order which is bent on seeing to the proper supervision of projects which will be daily, weekly and monthly.”

Speaking further, the Hon. Commissioner for Housing and Urban Development added that, “We are here for uprightness and not for the benefits and immediate gains. We want to see the system working and that is what we are hell bent on. The procurement of all the materials required for the work assigned to contractors must be their first priority because of the rising prices of commodities that is almost on a daily basis.” He said.

The Vice Chancellor of the fastest growing ivory tower christened as CUSTECH, Osara, Engr. Prof. Abdulrahaman Asipita Salawu with much joy and appreciation welcomed the Hon. Abanika Taiye and his team who came to kick-start the process of building the 600 capacity make and female hostels.

In his words, “I thank you so much for speaking so well and I must say that I see myself as the luckiest person on earth to have my secondary school mate as Commissioner for Housing and Urban Development after 37 years of graduation. My joy is more complete because we never lost contact till this moment that God Almighty has decided to elevate us to positions that we can use to better the lot of our people. I am also proud to say that Hon. A Anika Taiye happened to be the Maltina Teacher of the Year 2021. He is indeed a round peg in a round hole and I have the confidence that every work committed into his hands will surely have a Midas touch.” He said.

Engr. Prof. Abdulrahaman Asipita Salawu added that, “Once the hostel edifice is completed for the students to occupy, the true light that the university is to the world will perfectly come into play. It is a well known saying that if you educate a child, you have also educated a whole nation.

“Part of what will make our students to perform better academically and morally is when we have them staying together under one roof known as the hostel. I want to assure the Honourable Commissioner, the State Consultant and the contractors that whatever is required from us will surely be provided for this hostel project to see the light of the day. The government in Kogi State is that of continuity and I will always grateful for their activities at CUSTECH. We are going to jealously guide and guard this project and follow its supervision religiously.” He said.

The State Consultant, Engr. Kabiru Suleiman gave the working papers of the contract to the two companies to build the male of female hostels. The companies are: Messrs AB Otata Nigeria Ltd and Almaj Concept International Ltd. He urged them to stick with the conditions and terms of the contract as soon as they receive their pay. He said he does not expect any obstacle that will stop them from hitting the ground running.

The two companies has given their word that the clearing and setting out of the land for the process of the male and female hostels construction to start will take effect as from 14th March, 2024.

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