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Fellow Kogites, my dear compatriots,

It is with great joy that I address you today on this special occasion of Nigeria’s 64th Independence Anniversary. I join millions of Nigerians at home and abroad in celebrating this milestone in our journey as a nation. I felicitate with the good people of Kogi State and all Nigerians as we mark 64 years of our nation’s emancipation from British colonial rule.

Today, we honor the national heroes from every corner of this great country who fought courageously for our freedom. Their sacrifices remind us that our liberty was hard-earned, and we must cherish and safeguard it. We also commend all leaders – both civilian and military – who have governed Nigeria, and those who have led us in our dear State too, since independence. Though none of them were perfect, each contributed to keeping Nigeria and Kogi State united and moving forward.

Our journey as a nation has not been without challenges. We are a country of great diversity – territories, tribes, and religions. Yet, despite this complex montage, we have maintained steady movement towards greatness. Nigeria has endured great trials, including a most regrettable civil war, but we have also risen to every occasion, growing stronger with each step forward. In the last 64 years, Nigeria has made significant strides at home and within the comity of nations. We are, without question, a nation destined for greatness.

At this critical juncture in our history, we are glad to have the leadership of our current president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, to look up to. Without a doubt, President Tinubu is steering Nigeria in the right direction, ushering in a national Renaissance, especially in the ways and means by which our economy is managed.

His Excellency’s administration has shown unprecedented courage in addressing long-standing structural anomalies which previous governments, fearful of the inevitable fallout, carefully avoided. The removal of fuel subsidies and the harmonization of the naira exchange rates are just two of these difficult but necessary reforms. No generation of leaders before him has squared off against these national challenges with such resolve.

We must also acknowledge that the President has not undertaken these reforms from a desire to see Nigerians suffer, but by a conviction that beyond these rocky terrains lies a better place of shared prosperity. Moreover, his efforts to cushion the impact of these reforms on Nigerians as much as possible bear witness to his good intentions. As a sitting Governor, I can testify firsthand to the President’s efforts in this regard.

The Federal Government of Nigeria under him has increased monetary allocations to states like ours – by a lot, enabling us to do more for our people. He has introduced a suite of palliatives that is arguably the largest our nation has ever mobilised – to ease the burden on citizens. The expanded social safety net programme is providing critical support to millions of vulnerable Nigerians. At the same time he has pioneered novel programmes to support citizens in their endeavours – ranging from education loans and scholarships, civil service wage increases to expanded cash grant initiatives and venture capital/entrepreneurial support.

This is why I have unshakable confidence in President Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda. His commitment to a better Nigeria is not open to debate. I urge all Nigerians to show patience, understanding, and support as these reforms take root. Though the current pains are real, they are temporary. In the long term, these bold decisions will lift our nation’s socioeconomic indices and improve the quality of life for all citizens.

As we celebrate this Independence Day, 2024 we must remind ourselves of the words of our national motto – ‘Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress’. They encapsulate our ideals as one nation and we must re-commit ourselves to them in order to stand strong even in challenging times. Here in Kogi State which is a microcosm of Nigeria, and reflects her great diversity, we also aspire to a greatness that comes from harnessing the strengths of every community and individual among us.

Here at home in Kogi State, one of our top priorities right now is to guide our people safely through the ongoing 2024 flood season. We have taken proactive steps to ensure no one is caught unprepared, yet, because some people still do not realise the potency and urgency of the danger, I must repeat our warnings for everyone below the flood-plains of the Rivers Niger and Benue to evacuate now. Do not rely on only observable rainfall patterns in your area to predict the water levels. Dams upstream are releasing water – which may cause levels to rise catastrophically here without warning. To put it simply, the floods are here already.

I however assure you that we are also in a state of maximum preparedness to respond to any incident. Our state emergency response taskfoce headed by the Deputy Governor, His Excellency, Comrade Joel Oyibo Salifu, has been at work since May this year, monitoring the situation and adjusting action in line with our own 2024 flood mitigation, adaptation, preparedness and response roadmap. We are synchronizing well with national and state emergency management agencies, as well as the various law enforcement agencies. First responders are on standby, and we have set up IDP camps in safe locations for those who may need them.

Just last weekend we took delivery of four motorized fiberglass boats donated by the National Hydroelectric Power Producing Areas Development Commission (N-HYPPADEC). These boats will enhance evacuation, as well as search and rescue efforts, should the need arise. I assure all Kogites, especially in flood-prone areas, that we are doing everything possible to prevent the loss of any life and minimize the loss of properties.

Similarly, in the last nine months, while we confronted various existential challenges within the broader Nigerian context, we also worked hard indeed to expand on the development of our state. Guided by our Kogi State 32-year Transformation Plan, my administration has focused on simultaneously improving 10 key sectors that lie within the 10 thematic areas we have selected for accelerated intervention and impact. They are: Security, Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Agriculture and Social Welfare. The rest are Job Creation and Economic Diversification, Empowerment of Youth, Women and People With Special Needs, Environmental Sustainability and critically, Transparency and Accountability.

We have distributed industrial and hand-held tractors, fertilizers and other farm inputs across all 21 Local Government Areas to boost agricultural productivity. Through the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) project, we cultivated over 7,000 hectares of farmland and launched initiatives like the “One Man, One Tree” campaign to promote environmental sustainability. Our collaboration with investors in the solid minerals sector has further expanded opportunities for economic growth. Additionally, we reduced Kogi State’s domestic debt from N121 billion to about N35 billion, which earned us a Fitch Rating of ‘B-’ with Positive Outlook.

We have rehabilitated key roads, completed others and embarked on new projects – including the Zone 8-Barracks-Zango-Zariagi road and the ongoing dualization of the Zone 8-Zango-GYB Junction Road in Lokoja, our State capital. We also launched comprehensive gully erosion control projects across the Senatorial Districts to protect our environment and initiated the upgrade of Adogo airstrip to an international cargo airport. On security, we distributed 120 customised vans and 44 motorcycles to security units across the state. We also recruited hundreds of additional operatives to bolster community policing, and we are partnering with the Police and other law enforcement agencies to further strengthen our security architecture.

In healthcare and education, massive infrastructural developments and provision of equipment in existing health facilities, schools and campuses are ongoing. We have rolled out a 10-year strategic healthcare plan to ensure that quality and affordable healthcare is available to all citizens. We also expanded our Health Insurance Scheme with a free enrollment initiative for vulnerable groups to increase access. We have revitalized the Kogi State Scholarship Board, enrolled over 45,000 young Kogites across the country into our database for educational aid and by this week or next, we shall start disbursing bursaries and scholarships to them. We have also recently secured accreditation and will soon be admitting more of our children, in addition to other Nigerians, to study Medicine and Surgery at our premier STEM institution, the Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH), Osara.

I have also made it a priority since our inauguration on 27th January, 2024 to effect drastic improvements in the welfare of our hardworking civil servants. We have now achieved the prompt and full payment of 100% salaries to all workers – employees at state and local governments, and teachers across board. Our retirees, too, have not been left behind as we have maintained the existing payments – 100% pensions payments and the release of N100m monthly towards defraying decades worth of unpaid gratuities.

Recognizing the risks faced by health workers, in addition to promptly settling all routine financial obligations to medical doctors and other professionals in the healthcare sector, we introduced a six-month, 35% hazard allowance, and for our veterinary doctors, we adopted the CONMESS salary structure. These actions reflect my commitment to building a motivated and well-compensated workforce, both in health and across all industries. After all, our civil servants are the engine that drives our progress as a state.

This is a good place to inform Kogites officially that as part of our commitment to deepening inclusivity, we appointed 717 Ward Special Assistants (WSAs) across the state in August. This initiative ensures that our governance is truly participatory by bringing leadership closer to the grassroots. You complained that in the past officials were often disconnected from the communities they were appointed to represent, and we listened. Accordingly, the WSAs actually live and work within their respective wards, and will serve as direct links between the government and the people.

This structure not only enhances accountability and feedback but also brings added financial prudence to the mix as the combined salaries of three WSAs equate to that of one Senior Special Assistant, thus reducing the cost of governance. Through this strategy, we are empowering inhabitants of rural communities, supporting local development, and ensuring that the aspirations of our people at the grassroots have a point of contact through which they can be fully integrated into our Continuity and Consolidation Agenda.

In furtherance of our commitment to youth empowerment and self-sufficiency, I am pleased to announce the launch of the Ododo Youth Empowerment and Skill Acquisition Programme (OYESA). This programme will commence as soon as we tidy up the modalities with our proposed partner, the Nigeria-Korea Friendship Institute (NKFI). This flagship initiative will provide over 250 youths from all 21 Local Government Areas of Kogi State with cutting-edge training in critical areas such as CNG conversion, welding and fabrication, automobile mechatronics, solar system installation, and more.

The rationale is human capital development and the aim is to equip our youths with the skills needed to thrive in today’s economy, especially as Nigeria transitions to cleaner energy under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Beneficiaries will receive stipends, accommodation, starter packs, and business registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission to support their entrepreneurial journeys. This program is a vital step in reducing unemployment, addressing youth restiveness, and preparing our young people for meaningful contributions to society.

The foregoing achievements and many more still in the pipeline only confirm one thing: That foundations are important. I confirm that the difficult reforms undertaken by my eminent predecessor, His Excellency, former Governor Yahaya Bello, during his 8 years in Office, and the systems he set up, put us on a strong footing for the accelerated progress we are seeing now. He fought battles and planted seeds while governing this state that are only just now bearing fruit. We cannot commend and appreciate him enough.

As we move towards an era of accelerated development for our dear Kogi State on all sides, we remain firmly committed to consolidation and continuity of the gains that we have inherited and we will be working even more diligently in the months and years ahead to do more. However, I confess my great need for the support and cooperation of every one of you, my people. I humbly request for it once more, so that together, we can build a state that is safe, prosperous, inclusive, and works for all.

To conclude, I wish to remind every Kogite that our Local Government elections are slated for later this month on the 19th. We are all urged to prepare and come out in full force to cast our votes for the Chairmen and Councillors of our choice. I do not need to tell us again that this election is crucial for the continued progress of our state, especially at the grassroots where the majority of us live and do business. I also assure you that the elections will be free and fair, with no room for violence or any form of electoral malpractice. I assure us that the voice of every Kogite who is ready to exercise their franchise will be heard, and respected. Of course, I urge you to support our APC candidates for me from top to bottom, as this will allow us to build on the tremendous work we have already begun in your service.

Once more, I felicitate with my dear people of Kogi State, and all Nigerians, on this occasion of our 64th Independence Day Anniversary. May the Almighty God help our country and guide us all, leaders and followers, aright. I pray that henceforth, with each passing year, our Independence Day will be marked with true and heartfelt joy by Nigerians celebrating remarkable increase in peace, progress and prosperity for all.

God bless Kogi State.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Thank you.

Governor of Kogi State
October 1, 2024



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